Kirsten Small

Retired OBGYN, Author and Researcher

CTG (Electronic Fetal Monitoring) and Induction

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Carey is also offering a FREE RENTAL of These Are My Hours on Vimeo

I am a retired obstetrician and gynaecologist, and I work as an educator, writer, and researcher. My area of research expertise is the use of fetal monitoring in labour. My vision is to promote and protect respectful maternity care for women, babies, families, and their care providers through education and research.

Would you like a sneak peek inside one of my paid courses? Or perhaps you would like to watch a conference presentation or listen to a podcast episode where I talk about fetal monitoring in labour?

What you'll get:
Access to one video lesson from each of my three courses
Links to podcasts
Links and video recordings of conference presentations

All in the one place so you don't have to search for things. And - I'll add more free stuff here from time to time! You have nothing to lose.

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